Cultural Change |
Intervention Case 8

CUES Partner



  • Italy

Target Group

Primary school children from minorities and with migrant backgrounds


Unequal access to and understanding of sustainability-related information, limited citizen awareness of environmental, social and cultural aspects related to diets.


Open source educational tool exploring the concept of healthy and sustainable food (e.g., factors such as seasonality, local, plant-based meals, organic/sustainable production methods) and raising awareness of different food traditions and cultures. The intervention will include the following phases:
1) Local multi-stakeholder co-design event with the participation of key actors (i.e., Milano Food Policy, Milano Ristorazione, local private-public entity managing school canteen) and experts (i.e., educators, nutritionists).
2) Design and development of the educational material.
3) Testing, application and documentation of the educational material.

Expected Impact

Environmental: Increasing awareness among children on the positive impact of seasonal / local / plant-based / organic food; increased awareness of false labelling and greenwashing.

Social: Children’s food and nutrition literacy; children-parent connection around food; cultural integration and diversity; community cohesion.

Economic: Shifting demand towards sustainable and healthy food; support to regional food system actors (e.g., food producers, markets, public canteens); awareness raising on fair pricing and just remuneration of farmers.