Advisory Board


Food safety, food legislation

Nutritionist and Food Scientist and Technologist

I have a part time job as a teacher in Universidad Isabel I where I teach several subjects related to food hygiene, safety and nutrition.

I’m also a scientific disseminator in collaboration with different media and I focus on information given to consumers and the fake “free of election” claims.

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Belén Beltramo

Nutrition, food claims, consumer behaviour, fresh produce

Belén Beltramo is a PhD researcher at Maastricht University campus Venlo. Venlo is a logistics hub in Europe with many fresh parks and warehouses, so both her research topic, that is the use of nutrition labelling policies in fresh produce, and the location are driving her interest in evaluating policies to improve fruit and vegetable intake. She feels strong on all that is being done in terms of consumer understanding and communication but has a sense of working in silos which could make it difficult to translate knowledge into actual changes in policy making.

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Educational Pedagogy, Teaching, Consumer Rights and Education, Food Waste, GMO Issues

I started my career in the German school system teaching language, history and politics, becoming the principal of a school in Baden-Württemberg. In 2004, I became a member of the German Parliament (SPD) until 2017 during which I was the consumer policy spokesperson for the party. Since 2020, I have been a consultant with the German Federation of Consumer Protection Organization (VZVB). 

Leida Rijnhout

Environmental justice, resource justice, governance, UN, Fair Trade Enterprises, food sovereignty, SDGs, SCP

CEO of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO), decades of experience in environmental justice and governance. Negotiator on behalf of the global NGOs for UN

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Zsófia Benedek

Local food systems, short food supply chains, small-scale farmers, sustainable consumption

Holding a double degree as a biologist and environmental economist, I am a senior research fellow at the HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungary. I have participated and led numerous Hungarian and international research projects. I have been involved in the work of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) since 2014. In my free time I am one of the volunteer organizers of the Budafok Local Food Buying Club, an association of consumers.


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Amber Geurts

Innovation policy, transformative innovation policy, transition studies, innovation studies, policy cycle

Amber Geurts is a senior researcher on technology, innovation and transition policy at TNO Vector. She has about 10 years of experience in innovation and policy research. Her main expertise at TNO is transformative and mission-driven innovation policy that is essential to tackle complex societal challenges. This innovation policy paradigm requires new policies and instruments, governance and revenue models, forms of collaboration, knowledge and skills. 

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João Costa Leite

Human Nutrition, Public Health, Sustainable food systems

I work in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission where I enjoy conducting scientific research in support of evidence-based EU policies in nutrition, health and food systems. Previously, I was an assistant professor in the Human Nutrition BSc at University Fernando Pessoa where I was responsible for Food Policy and Nutrition Epidemiology courses. I have a PhD in Human Nutrition from University College Dublin and many years of experience in designing and implementing nutrition research projects. 

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